Monday, April 6, 2009

Putin' Around Moscow

This is so old, it's not news;
but I still think about it.

This picture is of Reagan andGorbachev hanging out in Moscow with some Russian tourists.  it is also, Skynews reports, a picture of Putin, then a KGB agent, pretending to be a tourist.  That's him on the left, with the camera.


In an interview, Mr Souza recounted being surprised at the "pointed" questions these supposed tourists asked the US leader.

They included searching enquiries on the state of human rights in the US.

The identity of the man on the left of the photo - complete with camera round his neck - was later revealed and "verified" to Mr Souza as none other than Mr Putin.

The planting of KGB officers as bystanders was a common practice in Soviet times.

A Russian politial analyst disputes this:

"Vladimir Putin was a major serving in Dresden and he wasn't important enough at that time to be brought to Moscow", said Andrey Piontkovsky.

Mr Putin served as a KGB officer in the East German city of Dresden.