Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

I had a bit too much to drink last night while watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia until about three in the morning. Dehydration (due also in part to the spicy, salty ramen I had immediately before bed) and a not too enthralling Phonology lecture led to a pretty fierce hangover that was in full throttle by the time I found my way home. I popped some Aleve, fell onto my bed fully clothed, the sun beating down on me through the window, and attempted to nap. I did not nap well. In fact, as my mind drifted in and out of various sleep states, one thought found its way into my half dream state and persisted there until I woke with a start some time later, not entirely sure how long I had actually been asleep.

The thought was this: Start a group blog.

My friends, I am not one to mess with the powers of the unconscious, so here it is. Post what you will, post from the heart, and post heartily.

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you're dead, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.
~ Benjamin Franklin

Literature is all, or mostly, about sex.
~ Anthony Burgess

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I suck at this blog thing! I want to join but I'm confused. :(